Tuesday 2 October 2007

Here We Go Again!

According to a press release received today by the Herts Advertiser (which we've not seen!), Tesco has announced that it will be consulting on its new proposals (essentially those already on our website!) 'in the winter'.

Our view, as expressed to the paper, is that...
  • Tesco has not addressed any of the concerns raised by local people, except in one small detail - not knocking down as many locally listed buildings as it initially wanted to. The new store will still cause a massive increase in traffic and pollution and damage to locally listed houses. It will still use land that should be used for affordable, green housing and a much-needed school.
  • Tesco must now accept that local people do not want the store - 83% of 186 local businesses polled, over 90% of local people in every survey undertaken, every local and national politician that represents the area, every local residents group, and well over 5,000 people who signed a petition against the proposal cannot be ignored.
  • Local people and businesses are becoming increasingly frustrated by Tesco's lack of momentum. Tesco promised to put in a planning application for the site early this year - now it looks like being at least a year late. This has been a year of uncertainty which is probably contributing to the decline of St Albans City Centre - who would open a food store in the centre with the threat of the Tesco store?
  • During Tesco's last delay, the Council has made it clear, in its Issues and Options document, that if there is to be another supermarket in St Albans, it should be to the North of the City on undeveloped land.
We'll be issuing details of this 'consultation' as soon as we find out more.

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