Wednesday 20 February 2008

Tesco Application Invalid!

No, it's not time to celebrate yet, but we thought it worth letting you know that the planners at St Albans Council have rejected Tesco's application as 'invalid'. In practical terms it just means that Tesco have to rework their application and resubmit it, but we can imaging some unhappy people at Tesco's head office tonight!

All those billions of pounds and they can't buy in the right advisors to get an acceptable planning application in!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The "invalid" planning application could, please be aware, be another intentional ruse by Tesco to invoke objection letters to the Council which cannot be considered because no application has been lodged! By the time a valid planning application is lodged, people may think they have objected two or three times but, in fact, they have not as objections to planning application can only be considered once a planning application is lodged. Any letters received by the Council prior to this date are simply binned!