Thursday 27 March 2008

So, When Did You Say the Application Would Be In, Tesco?

The Herts Advertiser today follows up its story of two weeks ago, when Tesco's Michael Kissman told the paper that Tesco's revised application would be in by now. The council's planning portfolio holder Cllr Chris Brazier isn't happy with the delay, as he makes obvious in the article.

What does Tesco have to say about this? In the absence of usual spin doctor Mr Kissman, 'Tesco spokesperson Eben Black' says the missing details will 'be submitted very shortly, possibly in less than a week's time'.

We're not going to let up on this, and nor will the Herts Advertiser or Chris Brazier, although it is interesting that once again Tesco has not given an absolute date - we hope that Tesco's logistics people don't work with the same degree of uncertainty or we'd have lorry loads of food defrosting and going off all over the country...

PS: We assume this is Eben Black here - interesting that he doesn't actually work for Tesco! It seems that Michael Kissman has been occupied with another locally unpopular Tesco scheme in Liverpool - here's the view of the Liverpool Echo on the scheme.

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