Sunday 20 April 2008

Tesco To Cut Jobs Locally

Not good news for Michael Kissman and his friends at Tesco's head office down the road in Cheshunt it appears. The thisismoney website reports that Tesco may cut 1 in 10 jobs there, 300 in total, with a focus on middle managers.

The article also repeats Tesco's claim that they 'create' jobs. People are becoming increasingly aware that a new supermarket merely transfers a proportion of existing retail jobs to shelf-stacking roles - there are far fewer people working in the grocery retail sector than there were before the rise of supermarkets!

Thanks to the volunteers of Stop Tesco for all your work over the last few days, especially...

1. Those who braved the wind to inform shoppers of Tesco's latest actions in the market yesterday

2. Our web designers who have updated to make it very easy for people to object to Tesco's application, and added a countdown clock...

3. The designers who came up with our new posters (lovely colours...) and leaflets.

4. Our communications people who are arranging a public meeting for Tuesday week (29th April) - more details to come.

5. The planning team who are putting the final touches to our objections document.

6. All those who have made donations or volunteered to help over the next two weeks.

If you'd like to help us, please email us and let us know what you can do!


Julie Oakley said...

The link to the website is broken

STOP TESCO said...

Thanks for letting us know Julie - now fixed (I hope...)