Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Tesco, Squatters and More Spin...

In an article in today's St Albans Review, Tesco admits that its London Road houses are being lived in by squatters - and then tries to squirm out of the problem.

Rather than a comment from Nick Gellatly (gone already?), Tesco wheel out spin-doctor Eben Black, Head of Media (Global Government Relations) (wow!) at consultants DLA Piper to try to solve the problem. Eben tells the newspaper that Tesco cannot do anything without planning permission.

Hang on a minute! Didn't Tesco say in February that 'it will renovate six of the homes it owns in May or June, and all should be occupied by tenants by the end of this year.' No mention of it needing planning permission then.

Councillor Robert Donald also picked up on this - and is pressing ahead with an Empty Dwelling Management Order. Tesco really isn't helping the local area, is it?


Anonymous said...

You might find the blog Fresh & Easy Buzz, which is about Tesco's Fresh & Easy Neighborhood Market chain in the U.S., interesting. Lots of union issues and others.

Anonymous said...

Can't find another place to put this, but I am amazed to read that Tesco have applied for planning permission for a small store in the shop parade in Beech Road, and also in Sandridge. Of course they already have the city centre store, Jersey Farm and the megastore towards Hatfield. Wonder where else they are trying for? This City will become Tescoland unless the Council is very careful. Please object to the site in Beech Road.....

Anonymous said...

Someone has told me today that Tesco have been given planning permission for Beech Road!!?? As for huge lorry access, that will be difficult surely. Watching them gingerly reverse into the Jersey Farm spot, there is insufficient room in Beech Road for such things. But wait a minute.....aren't the Lib Dems council trying to demolish the sheltered housing at the rear of the shops????!!!!

Anonymous said...

you have all got it wrong tescos in london rd would be a great help to many, it wont do any harm to us, the one in beech rd would be extremly useful for me as i live nearby and belive that they would make the parade of shops much neater looking, it would help protect the envioment as people wont have to travel as far to buy food. i do however object to one in sandridge as i feel the village would not need it what with d&s offering all sorts of gd quality items. they would need to think about parking and acess to the different sites but i think they would help the evryone especially the older people.