Thursday 5 July 2007

Traffic Questions

The next set of Tesco questions in the St Albans Review, here, are about traffic. We'd like to make the following points...

1) Local people are most concerned about peak traffic movements! We're not worried that we won't be able to get out of our drives and roads at midnight on Sunday, but on Saturdays and weekday evenings, when over 600m of traffic queues already block up the area!

2) Our preliminary traffic survey shows that only 500-800 cars per hour cause the current gridlock in London Road on weekends - Tesco cannot be serious if it thinks another 500 movements will cause no problem!

3) Few people will combine a trip to the proposed Tesco with a visit to the centre - it may look close on a map, but there's a big hill in the way!

4) Anyone who knows St Albans knows that well over 50% of visitors to the store by car will come up London Road from the South - if they are going the other way they would have already passed Sainsburys or the centre where they can shop!

5) Wouldn't if be great if the 500 cars came at an equal rate through the hour as Tesco suggests! The problem is that they won't and this is what causes jams! And what happens if a car breaks down in the turning lane?

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