Sunday 23 September 2007

Why Tesco Clothes Are So Cheap!

The Daily Mirror reports today of a 'poverty riot' in Bangladesh. 1,000 employees of a Tesco (and Primark and H&M to be fair) supplier set fire to a building in protest about low pay. The Mirror claims that its investigations found that several workers,

'were beaten for not working quickly enough on gruelling 14-hour shifts which earn them just 4p an hour.'

Tesco said...

'We are very proud of our high ethical standards. As a responsible organisation we will of course discuss the issue with Nassa to make sure we understand the issues the workers were protesting about.'

Once again we see Tesco claiming to be proud of something - but we can't see how they can be proud of this!


Anonymous said...

before people start saying oh its cheap labour, these people only get paid 25p per hour, that in the subcontinent is a good working wage...the cost of living is lower, the exchange rate when you work it out is very good and these people make a reasonable living....

STOP TESCO said...

They actually get paid 4p per hour. You don't see 'reasonably paid' people in the UK setting fire to factories!