Many people have been asking us over the past few weeks if they can still sign our petition. The answer, from now on, is no - because we've handed it in to the council.
On Friday last week (2nd May) representatives of Stop Tesco St Albans and the St Albans Civic Society handed the petition of 5,827 names to Gavin Cooper, the planning case officer who is responsible for Tesco’s planning applications, at St Albans District Council.
The petition, gathered over the last year, contains 5,137 physical signatures and 690 electronic signatures collected via the website. It calls for the former Evershed’s site in London Road to be used for the benefit of the people of St Albans and specifically opposes any Tesco development.
Mike Dilke of Stop Tesco St Albans said:
‘The petition sends a message to the council that an overwhelming majority of local people are opposed to Tesco’s plans and want something better for London Road.
‘However, because petitions, even those as big as this one, are not legal objections to a planning application, we would urge everyone who signed the petition to write to the council or email objecting to applications CA5/2008/0369 and 5/2008/0370 before the council’s extended cut-off date for objections of Friday 16th May.’
(The photograph shows Marion Hammant of the St Albans Civic Society and Mike Dilke of Stop Tesco St Albans with the petition outside the offices of St Albans District Council before the presentation)
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