Tuesday 6 May 2008

Today Ely, Tomorrow St Albans?

Is this a lesson for the future? The Ely Standard today reports Tesco's plans to extend its store in Ely in Cambridgeshire. Interestingly, the thrust of the plan involves removing car parking spaces and replacing them with more store space.

We've worried about the possibility of this happening in St Albans, if planning permission is given. We've discovered that the planned 477 car parking spaces in St Albans are actually the maximum allowed under planning guidelines for the proposed size of store. This gives Tesco the option in future to reduce the size of the car park and increase the store size. This of course would mean yet more local job losses, more competition for local businesses and the market, and probably more traffic, congestion and pollution.

Another reason to write NOW to STOP TESCO! (Oh, and hello Michael Kissman - good to see you still have a job!)

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