Present: Cllr Robert Donald, Chair of Cabinet, Cllr Mike Lewis, PH for Environment and Sustainability, Cllr Chris Brazier, PH for Planning and Conservation, C.Cllr Chris White, Cllr Jack Pia, Andrew Wearmouth, Valuer and Estates Surveyor, Andrew Robertson, Environmental Services Manager, SADC, Chris Roach, Community Support Manager, SADC, Anthony Clark, Anti-Social Behaviour Officer, SADC (basically the council's heavy guns...)
Mike Moult, Verulam Properties Ltd, William Blomefield, DLA Piper, Steve Walker, Collinson Halls (VPL managing agents), David Smith, DJ Smith & Co. Chartered Building Surveyors (Tesco's representatives - we guess every little one helps, although it would have been good to have someone from Tesco actually attend...)
The purpose of the meeting was to review the condition of the Odeon car park and the condition of several of the houses, with a particular emphasis on their immediate external appearance. The following were proposed:-
- Car park - To be cleared of undergrowth and rubbish. To be fenced off at the front (adjacent London Road) with a fencing which will deter fly posters. Fence does not necessarily need to be 6ft tall. Lower may be adequate. Consider (depending on type of fence) using the fence as a place to advertise Council events eg Skating rink, Christmas panto, Christmas shopping times, Christmas markets. Andrew Robertson to advise on fencing.
- To be secured at rear to prevent rough sleepers accessing gardens to rear of London Road properties and the properties themselves. At request of Cllr Brazier, Chris Roach to ask Brian Peers (Engineering & Technical Services Manager) if it is possible that NCP could manage the car park. This would require reinstatement of dropped kerb on the highway frontage.
- Houses: White house (right hand end) – hoarding has been removed from the wall which leaves a dirty square on the wall. Suggest: repaint house wall. Mike Moult said that this work was waiting on discussions with previous advertisement lessee, but given the minimal cost involved, it was suggested that the wall could be painted immediately for the sake of its appearance.
- Windows boarded up in vacant properties. Where boarding has been removed or damaged, this to be replaced. Suggestion that boarding should be internal rather than external. Suggest: pictures to be put on the boards facing outwards to give impression that house is occupied.
- General tidy up of forecourts of houses including removal of weeds.
- Suggest that, if and where possible, electricity supply is disconnected. Regular checks will need to be made for signs of break in and possible lighting of fires.
- Passageway to the left of the London Road properties leading to back gardens of Inkerman Road houses. It does not appear to be well used. However, rough sleepers have easy access to the gardens to the rear of the London Road properties, from both the passageway and the car park. Suggest the access is robustly fenced off as soon as possible, by repairing fence from car park.
- Following discussions about the best way of securing the access to the properties from the passageway, the following were suggested:- Either:- Fitting locked gate at London Road end. Such a gate would require agreement of Inkerman Road residents who have right of way and Tesco representatives agreed to seek their agreement. Or:- Fencing off the access and land to the rear of the London Road properties adjacent to the passageway. The latter might be more expensive but would not need the agreement of the Inkerman Road residents so therefore could be quicker.
- Outhouse/shed in garden to rear of 77/79 London Road. Currently being used by rough sleepers. Suggest it is knocked down subject to any necessary planning permission.
Mike Moult agreed to contact Andrew Wearmouth in a week to indicate proposed works.
Chris Roach
6 Dec 07.
We hope the council will follow up after Christmas and check this out - please email us or one of the local councillors if you see any further actions that Tesco should be undertaking to secure and safeguard the area. In the meantime, we hope you all enjoy your Christmases!