Friday 2 February 2007

St. Albans Tesco Campaign: Weekly Stats Update

Above you'll find the website visitor statistics for the past week. Don't ask us why we report the stats from Thursday to Thursday when most would, for example, stick with the traditional Sunday to Saturday - we just do.

The headlines? Over the seven days above, this website had 505 unique users and those looked at a whopping 1,239 pages of content. This means that, in total over the two weeks we've been online we've had 745 unique users 1,673 pages of content viewed. And don't forget, hundreds of people are also looking at our photos on Flickr and over 200 have listened to our podcasts on

It's been a good week for us here on the campaign website - word is getting out and people are visiting, which is certainly encouraging. We're also getting lots of emails from people who have visited and want to help or who simply want to comment on the site thus far (thankfully, all positive so far!). Thanks for visiting!

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