Friday 16 February 2007

Stats for Tesco Campaign Website: Week 4

Above is a graph showing the statistics for the last week of the first month (minus 3 days) of this website. We're happy to report that in week four, large numbers of people continued to visit with 416 unique visitors looking at 857 pages of content. That brings our total up to 3,626 page impressions (hits) and 1,710 unique visitors on the blog.

Additionally, we've had 268 views of our photos on flickr, 91 people have listened to our podcast on and 268 have listened to the audio from our "Tesco Alert" meeting.

If we applied the same accounting methods as Tesco does when reporting the results of their "consultation" to the local press, we'd also tell you that we've had at least 100 emails from people against - 100% against - Tesco's plans.

But we're happy simply reporting that our content has been viewed well over 4000 times in 4 weeks and that's not bad at all, particularly when you realise that unlike the 4000 cars that would go in and out of that Tesco in just 8 hours, our website traffic doesn't cause pollution or add to existing gridlock on local roads...

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