Tuesday 20 February 2007

Tesco: The Supermarket That's Eating Britain (video here)

If you can't get Channel 4's video on demand service working but have broadband, you can watch Channel 4's Dispatches about Tesco here. We highly recommend taking the time to watch this - it's important to know what we, the people of St. Albans, are up against. The video will run on Windows and Macs:

Send us an email if you can't watch the video here and want to borrow a DVD of the programme to watch at home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I watched this with interest. I wish the MP who came under fire about 'denying people jobs' because he took a stand against Tesco had been armed with a better counter argument.

Research shows that when a big supermarket opens, they may claim there are 500 new jobs for local people. But, within a 10 mile radius roughly 600 people will lose their jobs because small companies are put out of business. The MP should have known this as this information is freely available.