Friday 22 June 2007

Cuffley Referendum Produces Decisive 'No'

The residents of Cuffley have scored a powerful blow against Tesco's plans for a store in their village - their referendum found 2,428 residents against the plans and only 486 in favour, according to the BBC. Tesco boss Sir Terry Leahy lives in the village, so hopefully he has seen at close range how local feeling is against his company.

A Tesco spokesperson then missed the point entirely by saying,

"We have taken on board everybody's views about what that shop should look like.
Our intention is to open up in the autumn and ultimately what will decide whether we are successful in our aim is whether people shop there."

The fact is, Tesco, that they don't want you at all! How can anyone now take seriously the company's promise to consult with local people anywhere?

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