Thursday 7 June 2007

More From Mr Kissman

Two readers emailed us today to say that the website seems unable to accept their views on Tesco (they admit they were a bit negative!). If this is a problem, we suggest emailing Michael Kissman at Tesco directly on and copying your email to us at

If Mr Kissman or anyone from Tesco reads this, perhaps this is why you've not received enough feedback?

We're also aware of a truly breathtaking piece of arrogance from Mr Kissman in the Herts Advertiser today. We're obviously hitting a nerve somewhere as he accuses Stop Tesco of being 'not interested in what is the best for St Albans'.

If he seriously rates access to yet another supermarket as being better for the City than more primary school places, social and family housing, saving the 1,000 year old market and 250+ local retail jobs, stopping congestion and pollution and saving locally listed buildings then he needs to think again. If he thinks that the 4,750 people who signed our petition don't reflect the people of St Albans, will he please find some people in favour of the store to say so?

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