Friday 26 January 2007

St. Albans Tesco Exhibition: Some Nasty Surprises Instore?

Last night we caught up with local resident Mike Dilke on his way home from Town Hall where he had attended an invite only presentation of Tesco's plans for St. Albans. You'll find the interview (mp3) as well as a few details from the glossy brochure produced by Tesco here.

We urge you to attend the public exhibition yourself to learn what Tesco is planning to do in our community but be warned, there are some unpleasant surprises there for many people:

* Alma Road: families will be displaced as their locally protected Victorian homes will be bulldozed in favour of "sensitively designed" modern flats

* Inkerman Road: The Tesco representative said three houses would be demolished to make way for the edge of the carpark but the plans in the brochure clearly show all the homes along the eastern side of the street gone and the car park taking their place at approximately the level of the first floor of the remaining properties. Additionally, local residents have noticed that many of the houses on the side of Inkerman Road that, apparently, is not to be demolished are currently sitting empty.

* Bedford Road: Homes at the west end and middle of Bedford Road will have cars coming in and out of an undergound car park a few feet behind the ends of their properties whilst at the other end of Bedford Road will likely look out on a massive, unbroken wall of grey sheetmetal

* London Road: Perhaps unsurprisingly, the homes that have been purchased by Tesco and allowed to become rundown over the past few years will be bulldozed and replaced by a modern block of flats. London Road will be widened at the Alma Road end.

Tesco's Exhibition of what they call "Regeneration Proposals for London Road, St. Albans", is taking place at St. Albans Town Hall, Market Place on Friday 26th from 10.00am-6pm and Saturday 27th from 10.00am–2pm. Please note the limited opening hours on Saturday. [See location on map]

Please take notes of any questions you ask and the answers you receive then, when you get home, email them to us at

Stumped for a question? You could try asking some of these...

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