Monday 29 January 2007

Tesco Plans on Herts Advertiser Website

If you missed Tesco's exhibit at the Town Hall, and haven't seen the plans, the Herts Advertiser has (here) reproduced an image from the Tesco brochure on their website.

If you haven't seen the image before, you're likely to be a bit surprised by the massive size of the development.

Michael Kissman, Tesco's spokesperson for the development, was caught out at the exhibition when a local person challenged his assertion that the "development has been designed to be in keeping with the local area".

"How," asked the man living on a street of the existing Victorian homes adjacent ot the site, "is a massive grey sheetmetal warehouse with a glass frontage in keeping with locally listed Victorian cottages and townhouses?". Mr. Kissman replied that Tesco's plans are only an initial indication of what might be built on the site and that he wasn't sure what the flats will actually look like cosmetically.

As you'd expect, Tesco's plans don't include any visual indication of the sort of Victorian properties or authentic Victorian street scenes which could be lost if their plans go ahead so our campaign has been busy documenting the area and plotting photos on a map. Have a look here.

1 comment:

Iain R Loe said...

I note that Tesco has meant to have leafleted local residents with their plans for the development on London Road.

Well they haven't posted anything through my door and I live on London Road straight across from where the store is going to be.

So if they can't even get that right how can we take on trust anything that they say.

Iain R Loe