Tuesday 23 January 2007

Tesco to Unveil Plans at Public Exhibition: Fri & Sat

"The life I touch for good or ill will touch another life, and that in turn another, until who knows where the trembling stops or in what far place my touch will be felt" – Frederick Buechner

Please tell anyone you think could be interested: Later this week, Tesco will finally make public it's plans for our community by holding a public exhibition in the Town Hall, Market Place on Friday 26th from 10.00am-6pm and Saturday 27th from 10.00am–2pm. Please note the limited opening hours on Saturday. [See Map for Location]

Mike Dilke, who organised the first "Tesco Alert" meeting on the 17th has sent an email to everyone who left their email address (sorry - many were hard to read so a large percentage of them bounced back undelivered) requesting that they encourage their family, neighbours, work colleagues and other interested parties to visit, look at the plans, and to ask any questions that come to mind. You might also want to mention the exhibition to any local shopkeepers or market traders you encounter since the plans might affect their businesses.

If at all possible, please take notes when you ask your questions: What specifically did you ask? What was the exact, word for word response you were given? When you get home, please email your notes to us and we'll post them here on the website for all to see.

If you're stuck for a question to ask, here are a few we came up with that you might wish to ask:

• Do you regard this as a city centre development?
• How big will the store be?
• Are you demolishing locally listed houses?
• What hours of opening will the store have? – do you promise not to lengthen these at a later date?
• During what hours, and using what routes, will deliveries be made?
• What changes will be made to local roads to facility the increased movement of lorries and cars in the area?
• How many staff will the store have?
• What buildings will you demolish – street and number?
• Will there be a petrol station in the development?
• How many cars will the car park hold?
• How many flats will there be and who will live in them?
• How often, and by whom, will trolleys and rubbish left in the area adjacent to the Tesco site be removed?
• Will the development include "environmentally friendly" aspects, for example restrictive covenants on car ownership for residents in favour of a car sharing scheme, the use of green energy sources, a decision not to provide disposible carrier bags at the store, etc

Remember, if you take note of the question you asked and response received, please do email it to us here so that we can share it with a wider audience: tescocampaign@yahoo.co.uk

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