Tuesday 30 January 2007

Tesco and St. Albans by the Numbers

Yesterday this website had it's busiest day yet, with 85 visitors viewing a whopping 237 pages of content. Not only did ordinary local residents visit, but so have major national news and media organisations, local and regional newspapers, a few trade organisations, Tesco's development consultancy and Tesco itself.

Please do keep circulating the website address to friends, family and any media contacts you might have - the more people learn about Tesco's plans the better.

As soon as we saw the website stats from yesterday, we realised that numbers are an interesting way to tell the story of Tesco's plans and our campaign to raise awareness of those plans and their possible impacts upon our community:

128,982: residents in St. Albans (source)
55,000: size of proposed store in sq. ft. (Tesco)
15,298: cost in pounds to move (figures based on £280,000 home)
15,000: projected number of customers (Tesco)
1000: age of market that could be threatened by Tesco's plans
895: # of pages viewed on tescocampaign.blogspot.com (as of 10am)
546: customer car parking spaces (Tesco)
500: # of cars in/out of car park at peak time (Tesco)
433.47: pounds raised at Stop Tesco public meeting
385: # of unique visitors to tescocampaign.blogspot.com (as of 10am)
250: approximate # who attended the first "Stop Tesco" public meeting
209: people have downloaded our tescocampaign podcasts
95: # of times our photos on flickr have been viewed
104: # of email addresses we collected at the Stop Tesco public meeting
71: # of 1 and 2 bed modern flats that will be built (Tesco)
55: % of retail space selling food and groceries (Tesco)
49: # of homes, mostly in Victorian properties, that will be demolished (Tesco)
45: % of retail space selling non-food items such as clothing, CDs, etc (Tesco)
22: net gain in number of homes if development is completed (Tesco)
11: houses owned by Tesco on Inkerman Street (Tesco)
10: approx delivery lorries per day (Tesco)
8: % of store taking that will go to shareholders via dividends (Tesco)
7: % of store takings that will be returned to community via staff wages (Tesco)
1: # of years Tesco says it will take to build proposed development (Tesco)
0.8: distance to full size Sainsbury store from proposed site
0.5: distance to existing Tesco, Marks and Spencer food hall and market from proposed store
0: # of leaflets reportedly received by residents adjacent to the site to invite them to exhibition at Town Hall

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