Wednesday 31 January 2007

Tesco's Dominance of UK Grocery Market

According to the pressure group Tescopoly, Tesco now controls 30% of the grocery market in the UK. That is, for every pound spent on groceries in the UK, around 30 pence of that goes to Tesco. In 2006, the supermarket chain announced over £2.2 billion in profits.

Some worry that there is no way to stop Tesco from dominating the UK grocery market and, indeed, it is a highly successful company with the resources and influence to get things done. But not even Tesco is unstoppable in the face of strong local opposition.

In Darlington and Trafford, local people did exactly that - stopped the construction of new Tesco stores - by loudly voicing their opposition to Tesco's plans in THEIR communities.

Now is the time for St. Albans to organise, to start learning about and sharing information about the possible affects of Tesco's plans upon our community, and to let our elected representatives know our feelings. The Daily Telegraph hailed this as the "Battle for St. Albans".

If you'd like to get involved with the website or other aspects of our campaign (everyone has some skills that will be of use!) please send us an email:

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